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Insure the success of your next event by having Turley there to provide the fun.
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Press room
"Washington D.C's Favorite Family Entertainer"

First Lady Barbara Bush with Turley at a White House Christmas party
Turley at the British Embassy

Magicians Harry Blackstone Jr. and Turley on the Larry King Show
"Watch close and you'll see exactly how it is done!"

Katie the magician!

Turley with his magic pals
Visitng a young friend (photo used with permission)
Turley with magician John Ekin hightailing it from the White House East portico. "It'll be a long time before they invite us back here again!"

A Turley garden party
Turley vacuuming the White House Red Room
At the National Press Club
Turley draws a crowd at the mall

Turley with his assistant at Reston Town Center

Washington's famous family entertainers at lunch.
Clockwise from lower left, The Great Zucchini, Noland the Magician, Professor Fizzwiffle (Drew Owen), Turley, Lorenzo the Great, and Abracadabra Alex